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Feature - Smart Heatmaps

Smart-heatmaps are a new way to see maps. Using location data and other data, smart-heatmaps can create maps that show the distribution of things like internet signal quality, solar charging capacity, points of interest, and travel statistics.

Smart-heatmaps can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Discovering new places: Smart-heatmaps can be used to identify areas with a high concentration of points of interest or with good network coverage. This can help travelers to discover new places to visit or to find a place to connect to the internet.
  • Moving like a local: Smart-heatmaps can be used to identify popular areas or busy streets. This can help travelers to move like a local and avoid crowded areas.
  • Planning trips: Smart-heatmaps can be used to identify areas with good network coverage or with a high concentration of points of interest. This can help travelers to plan their trips more efficiently.

Specs required

The following table lists the SPECIFICATIONS for the current Smart Van's feature. To verify if your SmartVan Box supports this feature, your SmartVan Box must meet the following specifications.

PositionGNSSVehicle location data for enhanced situation detection and behavioral analysis.
EnergyGenerationInformation on battery charging as a resource usage.
IoTInternetAccessing signal quality information as a resource to analyze.