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Software - JOD Smart Van

Connect to remote SmartVanBox

Each SmartVanBox provides privileged access for maintenance. Through this access, you can read files (e.g., log files) and execute commands (updates, configuration changes, etc.). There are two ways to obtain this privileged access: via SSH or a serial cable.

In the first case, the connection is made through an IP network (e.g., WiFi), which is the most common method. In the second case, a Serial-to-TTL cable is used, which is very useful when the SmartVanBox has connectivity or network issues.

SSH Connection

Depending on the settings configured on the SD card, your Raspberry Pi should be connected to your chosen WiFi network. Ensure that your workstation is also connected to the same network.

You can use an SSH client to access the Raspberry Pi's shell (command line) from your workstation. This shell will allow you to install and configure the JOD SmartVan Distribution.

  • From Windows: Use PuTTY as the SSH client.
  • From Linux and macOS: Use the built-in ssh utility in the terminal.

During the SSH connection, you'll be prompted for a username and password. Use the credentials set during the SD card configuration (suggested: svbox/smartvan). Once connected, you will be in the /home/svbox directory, ready to begin the JOD SmartVan Distribution installation.

From Ubuntu

To SSH into a Raspberry Pi from a Linux device:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal window.
  2. Enter: ssh [username]@[hostname].local or ssh [username]@[IP address], replacing [username] and [hostname] or [IP address] with your Raspberry Pi's details.

From Mac

To SSH into your Raspberry Pi from macOS:

  1. Navigate to Applications > Utilities.
  2. Open the terminal, and enter either ssh [username]@[hostname].local or ssh [username]@[IP address]. Replace [username] and [hostname] or [IP address] with your Raspberry Pi's details.

From Windows: PuTTY

To SSH into your Raspberry Pi from PuTTY:

  1. Open PuTTY.
  2. Under Host Name (or IP address), enter your Raspberry Pi’s IP address or hostname.
  3. Ensure that Port is set to 22.
  4. Under Connection type, select SSH.
  5. Select Open, then enter your username and password.

From Windows: PowerShell

To SSH into your Raspberry Pi using PowerShell:

  1. Open PowerShell (press Ctrl + Shift + P, or search for PowerShell).
  2. Enter the command: ssh [username]@[hostname].local or ssh [username]@[IP address], replacing [username] and [hostname] or [IP address] with your Raspberry Pi's details.

Serial Connection

The Serial-to-TTL cable is a very useful tool for debugging and maintenance purposes. It allows you to access the Raspberry Pi's shell (command line) directly from your workstation, even when the Raspberry Pi is not connected to a network.

To establish a serial connection, you need a Serial-to-TTL cable and a terminal emulator. The most common terminal emulators are PuTTY (Windows) and Minicom (Linux).

PuTTY (Windows)

  1. Open PuTTY.
  2. Under Connection type, select Serial.
  3. Set the Serial line to the COM port where the cable is connected.
  4. Set the Speed to 115200.
  5. Select Open.

Minicom (Linux)

  1. Install Minicom:
    $ sudo apt-get install minicom
  2. Configure Minicom:
     $ sudo minicom -s
  3. Select Serial port setup.
  4. Set the Serial Device to the port where the cable is connected (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0).
  5. Set the Bps/Par/Bits to 115200 8N1.
  6. Save the configuration and exit.
  7. Start Minicom:
    $ sudo minicom
  8. Press Enter to access the Raspberry Pi's shell.