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Software - JOD Smart Van

Contribute to JOD SmartVan Distribution

Project structure

The JOD Smart Van project is a JOD distribution. It is based on the JOD Dist TMPL project and inherits its structure. The JOD Smart Van project is organized with the following directory and files:

  • configs/jod_dist_configs[-DEV].(sh|ps1):
    Main distribution configuration file. It contains all the variables used by the JOD Dist TMPL scripts to build the distribution. It also contains the firmware list to include into the distribution.
  • dists/configs/jod_configs[-DEV].(sh|ps1):
    JOD execution's configuration file. It contains all the shell's variables set before executing any JOD's script (like etc...).
  • dists/configs/struct.jod:
    JOD structure file. It contains the JOD Smart Van structure, i.e., the endpoints exposed by the JOD Smart Van agent (aka John's Pillars/Smart Van Specifications).
  • dists/configs/jod_TMPL.yml:
    JOD configuration file. It contains all the variables used by the JOD daemon to run the JOD Smart Van agent.
  • dists/configs/log4j2_TMPL*.xml:
    Log4j2 configuration file. It contains the configuration for the JOD Smart Van agent's logger. Depending on the JOD version's used, there are two different files: one for JOD 2.2.3 and one for JOD 2.2.4.
  • dists/resources/ & Co:
    Distribution's file and other documentation.
  • dists/resources/configs/struct_*.jod:
    Alternative JOD structure files. They are used to test the JOD Smart Van distribution with different JOD structures. They can be used also as examples to Pillars customization.
  • dists/resources/scripts/
    Scripts executed before the JOD Smart Van agent startup. This script starts the firmwares and the JOD Smart Van agent.
  • dists/resources/scripts/
    Scripts executed after the JOD Smart Van agent shutdown. This script stops the firmwares.
  • dists/scripts: FROM JOD Dist TMPL
    Scripts and utils from the JOD Dist TMPL project. Those scripts are copied into the distribution and used to run, stop and install the JOD Smart Van distribution.
  • docs:
    JOD Smart Van project documentation files.
  • scripts: FROM JOD Dist TMPL
    Scripts and utils from the JOD Dist TMPL project. Those scripts are used to build, install and publish the JOD Smart Van distribution.

Build JOD Smart Van distribution

Starting from the JOD Smart Van project, you can generate a JOD Smart Van distribution using the scripts/ command. This command handles the download of the JOD daemon, all its dependencies, and the configured firmwares. Afterward, it combines all files (downloaded, configuration, and scripts) into the folder that constitutes the JOD distribution.

This workflow is made possible by the JOD Dist TMPL project, the foundation of this very project.

# Standard command
bash scripts/

# Build development version
bash scripts/ configs/

# Build with debug logs
DEBUG=true bash scripts/

There are two configurations for building a JOD Smart Van distribution:

  • Production: configs/|ps1
  • Development: configs/|ps1

The two configurations differ not only in their settings but also in where they retrieve the firmwares. In the case of a production build, the firmwares are downloaded from their git repositories as compressed files. In the case of a development build, the firmwares are searched locally, in the same folder as the JOD Smart Van project.

It is recommended to use the production distribution when deploying it on a Smart Van Box (aka Raspberry Pi). If you want to test the distribution or simulate a Smart Van Box, then the development build is recommended.

Once you have the folder containing the distribution, you can run it locally or deploy it on an embedded device (aka Raspberry Pi).

JOD 2.2.4 Required

This distribution requires some features available only on the 2.2.4 version of the JOD Distribution. Actually there is at least the 2.2.3 JOD version as public available. So, in order to build this distribution, you'll need to download the JOD source code and publish it locally (with the 2.2.4-DEV version). Then the JOD Smart Van distribution's build script will be able to include the 2.2.4-DEV JOD version from your local repository.

Deploy on remote machine

Once the JOD Smart Van distribution is built, you can copy it to an embedded device (aka Raspberry Pi) and start it.

To do this, you need an SSH connection to the embedded device. This will be used to copy the distribution files and to start the distribution itself.

  1. Connect and create dir into remote machine (only once)
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
(rpi)$ mkdir -p dev/jod_smart_van
(rpi)$ exit
  1. Copy local sources to remote machine (to upload every updates on distribution)
$ rsync -av --exclude venv --exclude logs --exclude __pycache__ --exclude .git --exclude 'build*' -e ssh * pi@raspberrypi.local:/home/pi/dev/jod_smart_van
  1. Connect to remote machine and cd to JOD Smart Van distribution dir
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
(rpi)$ cd dev/jod_smart_van
  1. Install requirements (only once)
(rpi)$ sudo apt update
(rpi)$ sudo apt install default-jdk
(rpi)$ sudo apt-get install python3 libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev dbus-x11
  1. Install firmware's requirements (only once)
(rpi)$ cd dev/jod_smart_van/{FW_DIR}
(rpi)$ python -m venv venv # Optional: only for venv support
(rpi)$ source venv/bin/activate # Optional: only for venv support
(rpi-venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Init DBus session (only if required)
(rpi)$ env | grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
# no response means the DBus session is required
(rpi)$ exec dbus-run-session -- bash
(rpi)$ env | grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
# copy the printed output as DBUS Session
  1. Startup the JOD Smart Van distribution
(rpi)$ bash
  1. Check the JOD Smart Van distribution status or print logs
(rpi)$ bash
(rpi)$ tail -f logs/jospJOD.log
(rpi)$ tail -f logs/fw_{code}_{timestamp}.log
  1. Shutdown the JOD Smart Van distribution
(rpi)$ bash
DBus system

If the remote machine does not have any graphical server installed, the DBUS daemon is likely not running, and thus, it needs to be started manually.

Configure SSH keys to avoid password usage

Procedure to configure SSH keys to avoid password usage when connecting to a remote machine. The examples below are for a Raspberry Pi, but the procedure is the same for any other machine, remembering to replace the username and hostname with the correct ones.

  1. Create a 'public_keys' on the remote machine
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
(rpi)$ mkdir -p .ssh/public_keys
(rpi)$ exit
  1. Generate a new key pair and copy the public one on the remote machine
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
# save it in /home/USER/.ssh/id_rsa_for_rpi
$ scp /home/USER/.ssh/ pi@raspberrypi.local:/home/pi/.ssh/public_keys
  1. Set up the new public key into remote machine
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
(rpi)$ cat .ssh/pub_keys/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys

Those steps are required only once. ...

Run on development machine

When building the JOD Smart Van distribution using the development configurations, a distribution ready for execution on the development machine is generated. For example, options like SIMULATE and VENV are enabled, allowing the simulation of underlying hardware and testing the distribution without physically connecting all sensors and actuators.

  1. Clone repositories: Clone the JOD Smart Van project repository and those of its related firmwares within the same folder. For a complete list of available firmwares, visit the Smart Van 2.0 Firmware page.
mkdir jod_sv_dev
cd jod_sv_dev
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
  1. Build JOD Smart Van distribution: Generate the JOD Smart Van distribution using the development configurations. This will copy the firmwares from local folders. For more information, refer to the Build JOD Smart Van distribution section.
cd com.robypomper.smartvan.jod_smart_van.git
bash scripts/ configs/
  1. Run on the local machine: Start JOD Smart Van; along with the JOD daemon, the enabled firmwares will also be launched. Refer to the run and installation sections for more information.
cd build/JOD_Smart_Van/{VERSION}
bash true
>> type 'exit' to stop the JOD Smart Van instance

Additionally, with the development configurations, the firmwares are no longer downloaded from a URL but copied from local folders. This allows for modifying the firmwares during development and testing the changes without having to publish modifications each time.

These configurations assume that the firmware repositories are cloned into the same folder as the JOD Smart Van project, resulting in the following folder structure:

├── com.robypomper.smartvan.jod_smart_van
├── com.robypomper.smartvan.fw_victron
├── com.robypomper.smartvan.fw_sim7600
├── com.robypomper.smartvan.fw_upspack_v3
├── com.robypomper.smartvan.fw_sensehat
├── com.robypomper.smartvan.fw_ioexp

If you keep the VENV option enabled, remember to create a virtual environment for each included firmware. For example, go to the directory where you cloned the firmware and run the following command. The created folder will be included in the distribution the next time you run the scripts/ command:

cd ../com.robypomper.smartvan.{FW_CODE}
python3 -m venv venv

Update a Smart Van Specs/JOD Pillars

The struct.jod file contains the list of Smart Van specifications to be exposed to the mobile app. You can modify this file to add new specifications or update existing ones (Note: In the John OS Platform, these specifications are called Pillars, and they can be of two types: States or Actions).

Each Pillar within the struct.jod file, in addition to having a name and path defined by Smart Van specifications, also defines how to interact with the corresponding hardware. The JOD daemon provides various methods to interact with the hardware, including reading/writing to files, executing shell commands, making HTTP requests, connecting to DBUS, and many more.


JOD Smart Van primarily uses DBUS to communicate with various firmware managing sensors and actuators in the box.

For example, the specification "Energy > Battery > Percentage" corresponds to a Pillar in the struct.jod file with the same path and name. As this is a specification for a value (0-100) provided by the Smart Van Box, it corresponds to a RangeState pillar:

"model": "JOD Smart Van",
"Percentage": {
"type": "RangeState",
"desc": "Battery charge percentage",
"listener": "dbus://dbus_name=com.victron;dbus_obj_path=/smartsolar_mppt;dbus_iface=com.victron.SmartSolarMPPT;dbus_prop=battery_voltage_percent;init_data=0;",
"min": "0",
"max": "100000",
"step": "1"

From other properties of the pillar, it can be observed that the associated firmware exposes the property battery_voltage_percent on the DBUS com.victron with the object path /smartsolar_mppt and the interface com.victron.SmartSolarMPPT. Those values must be edited according to the firmware that should be used to manage the underlying hardware.

You can find more examples of alternative struct.jod files in the dists/resources/configs folder; or, directly, into a JOD Smart Van distribution's configs dir.

Add a new firmware

To add a new firmware to the JOD Smart Van distribution, simply include the firmware as a dependency in the configs/jod_dist_configs* files and the two distribution scripts and

  1. Add the firmware as a dependency: For each firmware to be included, add the corresponding string to the JOD_DIST_DEPS variable in the configs/jod_dist_configs* files. Firmwares can be included as links or local folders. In the former case, specify the link to the firmware and the destination folder {URL}@{DEST_DIR}, while in the latter case, specify only the local folder to copy.

In the configs/|ps1 files, links to published firmwares are typically added, while in the development configuration file ( configs/|ps1), the local folder containing the firmware is added.

  1. Configure firmware startup/shutdown: For each firmware to be included, configure the dists/resources/scripts/ file to start the firmware before the JOD daemon starts, and the dists/resources/scripts/ file to terminate the firmware after the JOD daemon termination.
# Launch firmwares <= dists/resources/scripts/
launch_fw "com.robypomper.smartvan.fw.victron" "" $simulate $venv $inline_logs

# Kill firmwares <= dists/resources/scripts/
stop_fw "com.robypomper.smartvan.fw.victron"

For each firmware, specify the firmware code, the firmware name, and the startup options. For more information, refer to the JOD Dist TMPL documentation.

When the new firmware is added, you can update the struct.jod file to include the new specifications provided by the firmware. For more information, refer to the Update a Smart Van Specs section.