Software - JOD Smart Van
Customize the SmartVanBox Structure
The JOD Distribution is configured to expose an "object structure" to the Mobile App. This structure is based on the SmartVan SPECIFICATIONS.
SmartVan Specs
The SmartVan SPECIFICATIONS are used to define the structure of the SmartVanBox in the SmartVan solution. That means, both the SmartVanBox and the Mobile App must follow the same structure to communicate effectively. Not all the SmartVan Specs mandatory, moreover they can be provided from different hardware sources. That make the SmartVanBox easily customizable, including only the necessary specs for the specific hardware configuration.
SmartVanBox Structure
The structure for a SmartVanBox is declared into the struct.jod
file, located
in the $JOD_SV_DIST/configs
folder. This file contains an hierarchical
structure of Pillars
(from the JOSP EcoSystem). Each pillar represents a state or an action that the
SmartVanBox can perform. The pillars are grouped into groups, that allows the
Mobile App to navigate through the SmartVanBox structure.
The SmartVan Specs are published on the SmartVanBox's WebSite, here a summary of the SmartVan Specs:
Here an example of the SmartVanBox structure:
"model": "JOD Smart Van",
"brand": "John OS",
"descr": "IoT agent for the Smart Van Box that provides the Smart Van Specifications.",
"descr_long": "This object's structure actually contains the 'Position', 'Sensors', 'Services', 'Energy' and the 'IoT Box > Energy + Internet' specifications groups",
"contains": {
"Position": {
"type": "JODContainer",
"contains": {
"GNSS": {
"type": "JODContainer",
"contains": {
"Latitude": { ... },
"Latitude Degrees": { ... },
"Longitude": { ... },
"Longitude Degrees": { ... },
"Inertial": {
"type": "JODContainer",
"contains": {
"Roll": { ... },
"Pitch": { ... },
"Yaw": { ... },
"Sensors": { ... },
"Services": { ... },
"Energy": { ... },
"IoT Box": { ... }
Using this structure, you can easily customize the SmartVanBox structure by adding or removing pillars from the structure. But, remember to keep the structure compliant with the SmartVan Specs.
SmartVanBox Capabilities
So, thanks to the "object's structure", each SmartVanBox capability, that is
exposed to the Mobile App, is defined by a pillar.
Each pillar is defined using different properties depending on the pillar type.
Actually, the SmartVanBox structure is based on the following pillar types:
Boolean State
: provide a 0/1, true/false... stateBoolean Action
: like the Boolean State, but it can be set remotelyRange State
: provide a value in a defined rangeRange Action
: like the Range State, but it can be set remotely
Most of the firmwares from the SmartVan project are using the DBus protocol to comunicate with the JOD daemon. So, the following examples are based on the DBus protocol. Other protocols can be used to communicate with the JOD daemon, like HTTP, Shell, File, etc. Checkout the JOSP documentation :: JOD :: workers
Boolean State
The "Position > GNSS > Latitude" pillar is a Boolean State
pillar that provides
the latitude's sign (true is North, false is South). And it is defined as follows:
"Latitude": {
"type": "BooleanState",
"desc": "GPS latitude (true is North, false is South)",
"listener": "dbus://dbus_name=com.simcom;dbus_obj_path=/sim7600;dbus_iface=com.simcom.sim7600;dbus_prop=pos_gps_lat;"
Range State
The "Position > GNSS > Latitude Degrees" pillar is a Range State
pillar that
provides the GPS latitude degrees (from -90 to 90). And it is defined as follows:
"Latitude Degrees": {
"type": "RangeState",
"desc": "GPS latitude degrees",
"listener": "dbus://dbus_name=com.simcom;dbus_obj_path=/sim7600;dbus_iface=com.simcom.sim7600;dbus_prop=pos_gps_lat_degrees;",
"min": "-90",
"max": "90",
"step": "1"
Boolean Action
The "Position > GNSS > Power Module" pillar is a Boolean Action
pillar that
allows to enable/disable the GNSS module. And it is defined as follows:
"Power Module": {
"type": "BooleanAction",
"desc": "Power on/off the SIM module (true is on, false if off)",
"listener": "dbus://dbus_name=com.simcom;dbus_obj_path=/sim7600;dbus_iface=com.simcom.sim7600;dbus_prop=power_module_state;",
"executor": "dbus://dbus_name=com.simcom;dbus_obj_path=/sim7600;dbus_iface=com.simcom.sim7600;dbus_method=power_module;dbus_method_params=%A_VAL%:Boolean;"
Range Action
The "Services > Actuators > DimmerLow > DimmerLow 1" pillar is a Range Action
pillar that allows to set the dimmer's percentage (from 0 to 100). And it is
defined as follows:
"DimmerLow 1": {
"type": "RangeAction",
"desc": "Percentage actuator for low consumption services like dimmers (0 is off, 100 is completely on).",
"listener": "dbus://dbus_name=com.ioexp;dbus_obj_path=/io_expansion_board;dbus_iface=com.ioexp;dbus_prop=NONE;",
"executor": "dbus://dbus_name=com.ioexp;dbus_obj_path=/io_expansion_board;dbus_iface=com.ioexp;dbus_method=NONE;dbus_method_params=%VAL%:Boolean;"
More info on listeners
and executors
can be found on the JOSP documentation :: JOD :: workers
and JOSP documentation :: JOD :: pillars
pages. Otherwise, you can check directly the specific firmwares documentation.
Alternative JOD structures
In the JOD Smart Van distribution, edit the jod.structure.path
from the
file with desired JOD structure file path. The default value
is configs/struct.jod
, but you can use one of the following alternative
structures or customize your own:
: JOD SV structure but only FW XY's related pillarsstruct_fw_XY_all.jod
: a JOD structure containing all FW XY's provided properties as pillarsstruct_specs_NAME.jod
: a JOD structure containing only pillars for the specifications with NAME sub-group